The commission will be deducted from the monthly pension . the pensioner is required to complete and have witnessed an annual declaration of entitlement to the agent to show that heshe is still entitled to the pension 领取退休金人士须每年填妥“符合享有退休金抚恤金声明表格” ,并由第三者签署见证,以申明其本人仍然可享有退休金。
Under this payment method , pensions will be paid to the pensioner s bank account on the last working day of each month and the pensioner is required to complete and have witnessed an annual declaration of entitlement to show that heshe is still entitled to the pension 如选择以这种方式领取,款项会在每月的最后一个工作天存入银行帐户内,领取退休金人士须每年填妥“符合享有退休金抚恤金声明表格” ,并由第三者签署见证,以申明其本人仍然可享有退休金。